Game Changing Conversations

Game Changing Conversations

Hosted by: Heather Lisle

Game changers have something most people don’t…highly effective communication skills that grow existing accounts, close new deals and allows them to work seamlessly with their team. Join Heather Lisle, your...

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Episode 20: Back to the Basics, Part 5: Top 10 Secrets to Get People To Buy From You

One of the hardest parts of running a business is marketing yourself to the people who you really want to work with…because it’s not just anyone, right? Today, we are going to cover my top 10 secrets to help you...
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Episode 19: Back to the Basics, Part 4: The Dinosaur In The Room Isn’t Email Marketing - It’s You

If you’re like so many clients I’ve talked to over the years, you may think email marketing is as dead as the dinosaur age… …and I’m here to tell you that is flawed thinking. You don’t own your social media platforms...
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Episode 18: Back to the Basics, Part 3: The Power Of Being Social & How To Monetize It with Tyler Riddell

When it comes to keeping things simple and easy to implement, my friend Tyler Riddell is a professional who has worked with many start-ups helping them to develop their digital footprint with ease and a quick pace...
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Episode 17: Back to The Basics, Part 2: 4 Things You Need To Make Money on Social Media

Let me first say that before you get overwhelmed with some of the material I’m going to cover, please repeat: BRIEF IS BEST. SIMPLE IS GOOD. We are going to cover FOUR concepts: Pick Your Platform: Pick the ONE...
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Episode 16: Back to the Basics Part 1: How to Connect With People Who Will Buy On Repeat

I’m sure some of you have heard marketing gurus online talk about why it’s important to understand who your perfect client is. In the beginning of launching my business, I watched a few videos about it and thought,...
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Episode 15: Your Pretty Logo Doesn’t Mean Much if You don’t Have A Good Message

Three tips to help communicate your unique brand position. Let’s cut to the chase. You’ve spent thousands of $$ on a logo, color palette and brand guide… ...and it’s BEAUTIFUL!!! But...and this is a BIG but… ...the...
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Episode 14: Not Where You Thought You’d Be Halfway Through the Year? Let’s Talk About What You Can Do To Fix It

Stop wasting time and lots of money by not doing a mid-year review to see what’s working and not working in your business from a marketing perspective. You likely tried some new things in your business this...
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Episode 13: Taking a Break Can Really Help Your Creativity

This is timely, I know…. But, let me tell you something - taking a break is exactly what you need when you’ve been going and going and not taking a minute to recharge. I’ll admit that I love a weekend getaway. It...
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Episode 12: Growing a Community = Cash in the Bank with Dana Malstaff

No matter what type of business you own, building community is critical to your success. If you’re a professional services provider and have participated in traditional face-to-face encounters (i.e., Chamber events,...
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Episode 11: How to Gain Confidence & Clarity with Your Messaging with Elizabeth de Moraes

When it comes to on-camera or on-stage interviews and appearances, it can be downright scary for a lot of us. The thought of pressing the “record” button was terrifying for me a few years ago! Why? Even though I am...
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Episode 10: What You Really Have To Do To Generate Leads

There is no magic pixie dust that will bring you qualified client prospects without any work on your end. If you want more clients, you’ve got to get out there and be visible to them… …and that takes consistency and...
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Episode 9: Using Instagram to Grow Your Business - Even If You’re New to the Platform or Been Using it for Years - with Emmy Cornwell

As business owners, we tend to feel as if we need to be on all the platforms doing all the things. But, in order to not burnout and be effective - you’ve got to focus on ONE platform…get really good at it…and then...
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