Game Changing Conversations

Game Changing Conversations

Hosted by: Heather Lisle

Game changers have something most people don’t…highly effective communication skills that grow existing accounts, close new deals and allows them to work seamlessly with their team. Join Heather Lisle, your...

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Episode 32: Your Focus Needs to Stay on This ONE Thing in 2023

Raise of hands: Do you get easily distracted? You have intentions set on getting that list checked off…and then, the car doesn’t start or a kid gets sick…or the pipes burst…or you lost track of time scrolling on...
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Episode 31: 4 Steps to Position Yourself as an Industry Leader (without hiring a PR firm to do it for you)

Personal branding and executive presence are terms that have been thrown around together and separately over the past few years. Are these terms mutually exclusive or do they work together and build upon each...
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Episode 30: Your Year-end Social Media Checklist

We are diving into Part 3 of this 4-part series titled “How to be profitable moving into the new year, even with a recession looming.” And this week, we are focusing on all the things you need to review when it comes...
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Episode 29: How to Define Your ONE (or 1-3) Big, Audacious Goals For The New Year

I’m heading into my fourth year of being a business owner. I can’t freaking believe it either. I’ve always been a results-oriented person, and having my own business has elevated this to a whole new level. I want to...
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Episode 28: How to Plan for BIG WINS in The New Year

For those of you who know me well, you KNOW I’m the ultimate planner. I check my social media analytics and email marketing stats regularly. I am diligent about my monthly balance sheet. I even create spreadsheets for...
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Episode 27: What to Post on LinkedIn…That’s the Question!

What content to post on LinkedIn verse what not to post... that is the question.If you are active in LinkedIn or not active but knowing you should be active, then you are going to want to listen in to this.In this...
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Episode 26: You Have No Time To Market Your Business

Have you ever felt you never have any time to market your own business?It's safe to say we have all been there, and that we have spent too much time working in your business and not working so much on your business....
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Episode 25: How to Message & Market to the Analytical & Non-Emotional Type with Jessica Bargenquast

If you’ve ever worked with a client who didn’t express much emotion and is extremely analytical, you’ve likely worked with a C type on the DiSC. This is the Conscientious type. Their biggest fear is making a mistake....
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Episode 24: How to Message & Market to the Excitable & Energetic Client with Christian Scott

If you’ve worked with a client who was super sociable, talkative, enthusiastic…and overall - an open, fun person…you’re working with the i type personality on the DiSC. The "I' is the Influencer type. Their biggest...
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Episode 23: How to Message & Market Your Business to the Laid-Back & Indecisive Client with Katie Gibbons

If you’ve had a client who has a warmth about them…but maybe somewhat introverted yet people-focused, you’re working with a S type personality. The S on the DiSC is the Steady-Relator. Their biggest fear is change…and...
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Episode 22: How to Message & Market To a Tough Cookie with Special Guest, Keeley Hubbard

If you’ve ever had a client or colleague who seemed a bit intimidating…maybe even a little tough at times…they’re likely a D on the DiSC profile. They’re what we call a dominant type. These people want to WIN more...
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Episode 21: Marketing Your Business Requires a Personal Touch

I know you’ve heard me say a million times that if you don’t nail your messaging FIRST, you’re throwing money into the wind when it comes to your marketing budget. It’s so true…and I see this happen ALL. THE....
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