Game Changing Conversations

Game Changing Conversations

Hosted by: Heather Lisle

Game changers have something most people don’t…highly effective communication skills that grow existing accounts, close new deals and allows them to work seamlessly with their team. Join Heather Lisle, your...

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Episode 8: You are Losing Money with Inconsistent and Unclear Messaging

I just came back from a big conference in Miami and had the opportunity to talk with several retail start-up businesses. One in particular had such an interesting story. The owner…an incredibly sharp, super talented...
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Episode 7: How to Maximize Sales using Video - with Will Koberg

You’re leaving serious cash on the table by not using video as a part of your marketing strategy. Will Koberg, Founder of the Will Koberg Real Estate Group, is the king when it comes to video and real estate. He’s...
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Episode 6: Don't Be Basic - Be Baller

Basic is boring, and it doesn’t sell. Do you… Look like everyone else out there in your industry or niche? Talk more about the services you offer versus the problems you solve? Regularly communicate to your potential...
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Episode 5: Small Talk doesn't Build Relationships - with Keeley Hubbard

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EPISODE 4: When you Assume - You Lose

How many times have you assumed something without asking for facts or clarity? I’ll raise my hand on this one. I’ve assumed that people think my work is boring and like everyone else…and it’s not. I’ve assumed clients...
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Don’t Jump to the Marketing Without Starting with Messaging First

Starting from the beginning is always the best place to start. I have found that in my past professional life and with my clients - when it comes to marketing your business, you want to get the website done and a logo...
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How to Battle Head Trash

Spending 23+ years in a corporate setting and transitioning to entrepreneurship wasn’t easy. It wasn’t just the scheduling changes that took place. I came from an environment where I had my calendar booked every 30...
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Why the DiSC Assessment is my Go-To Tool for Communication Clarity

Have you ever taken the Meyers Briggs test? Or the Enneagram? How about the Colors test…or for me, I remember the first time I took the DiSC assessment, I was a Regional Vice President of Resource Development for the...
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Dear God, it’s me, Heather

Why a podcast? Why me? Why now? You’ve likely had times in life where you felt called or compelled or whatever that pull in your gut is to do something. I have had that pull for YEARS. Why another marketing podcast?...
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