Episode 10: What You Really Have To Do To Generate Leads
There is no magic pixie dust that will bring you qualified client prospects without any work on your end. If you want more clients, you’ve got to get out there and be visible to them… …and that takes consistency and intentionality every day of the week. There are two platforms to generate leads: in-person and digitally. IN-PERSON Attend chamber and non-profit events, meetings with client prospects, conferences, and masterminds. Professional workshops and tradeshows where it’s likely your perfect client will attend. Be featured as a keynote speaker. DIGITAL Email signature: Make sure your signature block tells people who you are (NAME), what you do (BUSINESS) and a link to your website or your freebie optin. Email Marketing: If you have an email list, you should be marketing to that list regularly, at least weekly. Social Media: Pick ONE platform you feel confident you can be consistent on and connect with potential clients and engage with them on that platform. Social Media Bio: This is very similar to your email signature block. It needs to tell people who you are and what you do and include a link to your website or freebie. Always keep in mind the words you use to describe who you are and how you can help need to resonate with your perfect client in a way that emotionally connects them to you. Think about the personality characteristics of your client…what are they feeling and how can you best communicate in such a way that leaves them wanting to learn more about you.