Episode 7: How to Maximize Sales using Video - with Will Koberg

You’re leaving serious cash on the table by not using video as a part of your marketing strategy. Will Koberg, Founder of the Will Koberg Real Estate Group, is the king when it comes to video and real estate. He’s taken video to a whole new level, using it as a part of his value proposition when pitching luxury real estate clients. He gets calls from other brokers across the country who are looking to relocate high net worth individuals to the Dallas area…and it’s his use of video as a sales tool that separates him from his competitors. In this episode, Will gives his tips on how to use video to gain instant credibility that allows you to close more deals. Some tips and topics discussed are: Video is the quickest way to build the know, like & trust factor with your community and potential customers. Keep your videos simple. You always want to have a beginning, middle and end…and make sure you always have a call to action. Get to the point quickly and tell people to follow you to learn more or call to book an appointment, etc. No matter what you’re talking about on video - talk about it as if you’re being helpful and offering information for your potential client to make an informed decision. Starting on video is easy! Use your iPhone and make sure natural light is on the front of your face. Clip ring lights and a tripod are inexpensive on Amazon. Keep it personal. When talking into the camera, pretend you’re only talking to one person. Think about who you are talking to…and keep your message personalized. Make sure to follow Will on Instagram @willkoberg and make sure to subscribe to his Youtube channel where he gives all his real estate tips and information. Wanting to explore more into your marketing strategy? Let me help you come up with a personalized strategy plan to help market and sell your offers effectively by booking a 60 minute strategy call with me. Click here to book today!