3 Things You Can Do To Be Intentional About Your Day
Dec 15, 2021I was having coffee at my local coffee shop, and I just can’t get it out of my head the fact that big things happen as the result of all the little things. If we want to get technical, I suppose it’s habits that I’m referring to. This morning, as I was getting my kids ready for school (I have three kids…two in elementary and one in middle school…and mornings can be HARD…waking up a 12 year old boy…sweet lord), I noticed that all the little things I had done the night before had made our morning routine easier today. For example, lunches were pre-packed…backpacks were organized with all of the things the kids needed to be successful…clothes set out…we were ready. It was all the small things that made for a big thing, and that was having a smooth morning. Because when mornings aren’t smooth with the kids, my work day has a rough start too. You know exactly what I’m talking about.
All you parents out there are laughing at me thinking, “sister, I had the meltdown of the century this morning and I was just as prepared as you.” I get it. This isn’t meant to be some “I’m a perfect mom” moment. Lord knows that’s a lie from the devil. But, rather, if we work to take care of the small things…the bigger outcome seems to happen organically and naturally…it’s just a little easier.
How do we apply this in our professional lives? I do believe James Clear, author of Atomic Habits, has it SPOT ON when he discusses that it’s our habits that get us in the mindset of achieving what seems to be unachievable…getting 1% better every, single day. Bingo. I’m sold, James.
I look at my daily habits. Those include getting myself mentally prepared for my day each morning as I drink my coffee. I review my calendar. I think about all the people I will interact with during the day. I jot down notes of what I want to be sure to discuss with them. I think about those next steps with all the projects I’ve got on my plate.
I really do pause my morning to think. I ask myself a few key questions….
1) What do I need to achieve today? What meetings do I have on my schedule?
2) What are my next steps with the people I plan to meet?
3) What can I do to help the people I’m meeting…how can I make things better in their world?
It’s the small things that lead to awesome, larger-than-life results. We just need to do ONE THING better each day and focus on that to really make a difference.